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Jean-Claude Dorsainvil

The Union Cooperative Agricultural Credit and Rural of Haiti (UNICAGRIH) founded by Jean-Claude DORSAINVIL ​​and H. Slim Diouff Dorsainvil. Their vision was to work for the development of socio-economic activities of the poor small Haitian farmers.


UNICAGRIH philosophy is to be a facilitator and an enabler that allows rural communities to achieve their own sustainable productivity in remote rural areas of Haiti.

The Union Cooperative Agricultural and Rural Credit of Haiti (UNICAGRIH) is a Society of Agricultural and Rural Credit Cooperative incorporated in Haiti June 1, 2014 by agricultural and rural cooperative groups. It is governed by the Decree of April 2, 1981 regulating the organization and operation of Cooperative Societies in Haiti.

Administrative Organs

The Union Cooperative Agricultural Credit and Rural of Haiti (UNICAGRIH) is led by a multidisciplinary team, competent and credible.

Agricultural Activities of UNICAGRIH

Through membership organized cooperatives, members are encouraged to experiment with new farming practices and improved techniques. Members also benefited from training on a line of agricultural technologies and management techniques.

These activities are found, savings and credit in rural areas, Crediteducation to rural youth, rural electrification, renewable energy, construction of warehouses for storage of grains, health and agricultural insurance, the environment, gender between man and woman, the servant leader, conflict resolution, governance and management of local authorities.


What do we do? / What we do.

The UNICAGRIH approach encourages each member to be a donor in her community. The UNICAGRIH recommends the use of the participatory approach in all aspects of economic development activities in Haiti.

- Enhance agricultural credit offer

- The cooperative concepts, history, and structure including membership rights and responsibilities.

- The Agricultural Credit Fund

- Rural Credit Fund

- Encourage and support the rural development

- Electricity in rural areas

- Agricultural Techniques

- The seed development, storage and planting

- The results-based management program

- Literacy and Post-Literacy

- The issue of gender and gender equity

- Finding opportunity for development of small businesses


- Aim the roots of extreme poverty, such as fear and mistrust that block the long-term cooperation

- Establishing links of fruitful cooperation with cooperatives sisters in Latin America and the Caribbean region within the framework of south-south cooperation

- Maintain fruitful cooperation ties with the cooperative banks, credit unions, cooperatives, organizations based in North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and Africa.

- Develop projects or bases together members of the community plan, manage and derive benefits to each other and their community.

Rural Electricity of Haiti

In Haiti, the national electrification rate is estimated at 25% in 2010 after the passage of the earthquake of January 12, 2010 according to a study of the Union Cooperative Agricultural and Rural Credit in Haiti (UNICAGRIH) in collaboration with 'ISFOCOOP-UQ.

But reached 37% in urban areas against 3% in rural areas in some departments of Haiti. Yet the Haitian population lives mainly in rural areas. The rural population is estimated at 67% of the total population against 33% for the urban population. Since 2014 to the present day, 85% of Haitians live below the threshold of absolute poverty.

The situation is even worse in rural areas and the incidence of poverty reached 75.3%. Improving living conditions in rural areas must be at the forefront of the national fight against poverty strategy. For this, we must revive economic growth in rural areas of Haiti. An important factor in this objective is energy. The electrification of rural Haiti will boost the growth of the agricultural and rural economy and also a dynamic economic development in rural areas of Haiti.


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P.O.Box 13042 Delmas
Nord-est, Fort-Liberté, entrée route Ferrier Dorly
Campus of Queensland University (UQ)
Delmas 33, Village Montpellier, 3 Rue St - Paul
Phone (509) 22 09-6016 / 3908-8904 / 4221-4598