The Union Cooperative Agricultural Credit and Rural of Haiti (UNICAGRIH) is looking for international partners to increase its credit portfolio, it will meet the credit demands from different rural areas in Haiti.
The Union Cooperative AgriculturalCreditand Rural of Haiti (UNICAGRIH) member of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and the ICAO is working with Haitian partners the following:
- National Beekeeping Association of Haiti (ANAPIH)
- OADEPROPAH Haiti / Development of Agricultural Production Organization for Haitian Farmers
- Higher Institute of Training Cooperative (ISFOCOOP) of the University Queensland (UQ)
- Union of Haitian Peasants (UHP)
- Advent Christian Conference of Haiti (ACCH)
- Emmaus Haiti (EH)
- Haitian Association of Social Workers (AHATRAS)
- Cooperative of Fishing in Haiti (COPH)
- Cooperative of small Haitian Farmers (COPAH)
- Grouping of Farmers Co (GCA)
- Evangelical Mission Alliance (MEA)
- Cooperative Health and Agriculture (COOPSA)
If you wish to establish a cooperative relationship with the Union Cooperative Agricultural Credit and Rural of Haiti(UNICAGRIH), please contact us.